Bullock, Caroline

Creator details

Bullock, Caroline
Caroline tries to paint things as they are, treating colour particularly carefully because it is so pleasing. Much of Caroline's early work is painted in gouache, but now she mostly uses oil paintings. Her subject matter is taken from real life, mythology and her imagination.

Assets (13 in total)

Noah's Ark, 2004 (oil)
Proteus Counting his Seals, 2004 (oil)
Odysseus and the Sirens, 2003 (oil)
Poseiden riding a Hippocamp, 2003 (oil)
Gorgons, 2004 (oil)
Sweet Lips, spotty backs and whip tails, 2004 (oil)
Poseidon in his Chariot, 2003 (oil)
Poseidon at home with his family, 2003 (oil)
Jason and the Golden Fleece, 2003 (oil)
Dionysus, 2003 (oil)
The Wedding, 1971 (oil)
Whale, 2004 (oil)

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