Munthe, Gerhard Peter Frantz Vilhelm (1849-1929)

Creator details

Munthe, Gerhard Peter Frantz Vilhelm (1849-1929)

Assets (32 in total)

At the Farm, Ulvin, 1889 (oil on canvas)
Three Billy Goats Gruff, 1908 (w/c on paper)
Isn't he coming soon?, 1917 (oil on canvas)
In the Giants' Den, 1893 (w/c on paper)
King Sigurds journey to Torsal
Laundry, 1876 (oil on canvas)
The Fifth Hall, 1902-04 (oil on canvas)
Asmund And The Princess Riding Home, 1902-04 (oil on canvas)
Christmas atmosphere, 1886 (oil on canvas)
Morning in a Fishing Village, 1881 (oil on canvas)
Idyll, 1886
Asmund Bringing Home Silver And Gold, 1902-04 (silver)

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