Penne, Charles Oliver de (1831-97)

Creator details

Penne, Charles Oliver de (1831-97)

Assets (14 in total)

A Group of French Hounds
End of the Hunt, c.1850-–97 (oil on panel)
Two Pointers, c.1850-–97 (oil on canvas)
Hunt a race: 'The hallali of the deer at the pond of Sulvie, hunt of the Duke of Aumale', 1880 (oil on canvas)
Landing the Stag (engraving)
Four Hunting Dogs, 19th century (oil on canvas)
Hunting Hounds, c.1850-97 (oil on panel)
Hounds Resting (panel)
The hunting duke of orleans ran to the grove of sylvie, 1841 (oil on canvas)
Study of two long-horned cows (w/c)
The Hunt (oil on canvas)
Baron de Vaux - the Armorial of Hunting, Crew of his Highness the Duke of Aumale (colour litho)

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