Paine, Noel (b.1971) (Bridgeman Studio)

Creator details

Paine, Noel (b.1971)
I read the world as a series of shapes and colours. To me, a tree, a building, a road, a house, is a shape. The subjects I choose for a particular painting are dictated not by social comment, or narrative, but by abstract ideas. I do not set out to make picture of a tree instead I want to explore and understand the colour, shape and light on a tree. My intention is always to make a painting; The ideas and concepts that form my paintings remain completely and conceptually abstract. After finishing Cardiff University in 1994, I returned to London. The hidden spaces of the city provided an abundance of shapes, colours and changing light throughout the seasons, and these factors alone, became the inspiration for my series of East London paintings. Since 2008, I have been working in Rome, and the surrounding Lazio landscape. Here, I have been able to confront the demands of stronger and more cinematic light. Although my work is deeply rooted in the tradition of figurative and representational painting, my most recent paintings from the landscape and the environment that surrounds me, has been a gradual development. To me this is where the ultimate challenge exists.

Assets (52 in total)

Red Gate, Summer, 2010 (oil on canvas)
Bow Trench 1, (oil on canvas)
Trunk, (oil on canvas)
The Longest Day, (oil on canvas)
Bow Tree Summer, (oil on canvas)
Bow Towers, (oil on canvas)
Bow Tower, (oil on canvas)
Capitoline Hill, 2008 (oil on canvas)
Line of Trees, 2009 (oil on canvas)
Canning Town Summer, (oil on canvas)
Tate and Lyle, (oil on canvas)
The Orange Edge of the Barn, 2011 (oil on canvas)

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