Swift, Mike

Creator details

Swift, Mike
<p>Mike Swift is a freelance graphic designer and illustrator based in Lewes, East Sussex.</p> <p>He is a graduate of the Central School of Arts and Crafts and a fellow of the International Society of Typographic Designers.</p> <p>A former senior partner in a leading London design group, responsible for clients including The British Council, Mike took early retirement to concentrate on his own graphic work.</p> <p>Recent projects have included corporate design work in Slovenia, book design for Channel 4 animation and ranges of card illustrations for both children and adults.</p> <p>Mike has spent time in Australia as visiting lecturer in graphic design at Perth’s University of Technology, and is currently teaching at the City Literary Institute in London. </p> <p>&nbsp;</p>

Assets (12 in total)

Gregory's thoughts lead him to question the very nature of his existence (ink on paper)
Fido was living more and more in the past (ink on paper)
Me and my shadow (ink on paper)
Sometimes we got the feeling that father wasn't really with us (ink on paper)
A shadow of her former self (ink on paper)
Simon had often thought of letting go completely (ink on paper)
Bright sunlight really upset Betty (ink on paper)
Frank's domestic problems were ruining his game (ink on paper)
Maude's phantom pregnancies were getting out of hand (ink on paper)
Mrs Merrydew was a good club player (ink on paper)
Muriel didn't know whether she was coming or going (ink on paper)
Clive had the weird feeling that he wasn't alone (ink on paper)

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