Swaine, Francis (1730-1782)

Creator details

Swaine, Francis (1730-1782)

Assets (15 in total)

The English Fleet Under Sail
An English Sloop and a Frigate in a Light Breeze (oil on canvas)
A squadron of the Red beating its way up the Channel with an Admiralty yacht inshore (oil on canvas)
Dutch Estuary Scene (one of a pair)
A British Man-of-War being towed to Anchor (oil on copper)
Dutch Shipping moored in an Estuary
Shipping in a choppy sea off the coast (oil on copper)
Shipping off the Dutch Coast
The Landing of the Sailor Prince at Spithead, 1765 (oil on canvas)
St. Anne's Bay, Martinique
Shipping in a Calm
A Royal yacht and small craft in a calm

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