Verdi, Giuseppe (1813-1901)

Creator details

Verdi, Giuseppe (1813-1901)

Assets (14 in total)

Correspondence written by Giuseppe Verdi (pen & ink on paper) (b/w photo)
First page of original musical score of  Macbeth opera by Giuseppe Verdi, 1847
Page of first edition of musical score of  Un ballo in maschera, opera by Giuseppe Verdi, 1859
Verdi's application for admission to the Conervatory, 22nd June 1832 (ink on paper)
Handwritten letter of Giuseppe Verdi to Aida librettos author Antonio Ghislanzoni, 1870
Handwritten letter of Giuseppe Verdi to Aida librettos author Antonio Ghislanzoni, 1870
Handwritten letter of Giuseppe Verdi to Aida librettos author Antonio Ghislanzoni, 1870
Handwritten letter of Giuseppe Verdi to Aida librettos author Antonio Ghislanzoni, 1870
Double page of original musical score of  Macbeth opera by Giuseppe Verdi, 1847
Correspondence written by Giuseppe Verdi (pen & ink on paper)
Correspondence written by Giuseppe Verdi (pen & ink on paper) (b/w photo)
First page of musical score of symphony of  Luisa Miller, opera by Giuseppe Verdi, 1849

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