Leslie, Charles Robert (1794-1859)

Creator details

Leslie, Charles Robert (1794-1859)

Assets (57 in total)

Jourdain Fences his Maid, Nicole with his Wife Looking on. Scene From 'Le Bourgeois Gentilhomme', Act III, Scene 3 (oil on canvas)
Queen Victoria receiving the Sacrament at her Coronation, 28th June 1838 (oil on canvas)
The Grosvenor Family (oil on canvas)
Trissotin Reading his Sonnet, from 'Les Femmes Savantes' by Moliere (1622-73) 1846 (oil on canvas)
Queen Catherine of Aragon's Interview with Capucius, Henry VIII's Ambassador, at Kimbolton (Scene from Shakespeare's Henry VIII, Act IV, Scene 2), c.1849 (oil on canvas)
Christening of the Princess Royal (oil on canvas)
Scene from 'Le Malade Imaginaire' by Moliere (1622-73) (oil on canvas)
The Present, 1845 (oil on canvas)
Dulcinee du Toboso, 1839 (oil on panel)
Uncle Toby and Widow Wadman
Sir John Falstaff, c.1840 (oil on canvas)
Queen Victoria in Her Coronation Robe, 1838 (oil on canvas)

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