Reuwich, Erhard (fl.1488)

Creator details

Reuwich, Erhard (fl.1488)

Assets (10 in total)

View of Venice (Doge's Palace, St. Mark's Square) (xylography, 1486)
Transaction between a Jew and a loan shark Page taken from the travel book “” peregrinatio in terram sanctam”” after the pilgrimage in the Holy Land of Bernard de Breydenbach (Breidenbach) (1454-1497) illustrated by engravings by Erhard Reuwich, 1486 (Mainz) Paris, Musee Carnavalet
Map of the Island of Rhodes, reproduced in 'Le Chevalerie et les Croisades' by Paul Lacroix, 1886 (etching)
Plate describing the Arabic alphabet and the costumes of the Saracens. Page taken from the travel book “” peregrinatio in terram sanctam””” by Bernard de Breydenbach (Breidenbach) (1454-1497) illustrated by engravings by Erhard Reuwich, 1486 (Mainz) Paris, Musee Carnavalet
View of the port of Candie (present-day Heraklion) in Crete Page from the book of journeys “” peregrinatio in terram sanctam””” after the pilgrimage in the Holy Land of Bernard de Breydenbach (Breidenbach) (1454-1497) illustrated by engravings by Erhard Reuwich, 1486 (Mainz) Paris, Musee Carnavalet
Perspective view of Venice (detail) from 'Opusculum Sanctatum Peregrinationum in Terram Sanctam', by Bernard von Breydenbach, Mainz, 1486 (woodcut)
The port of Corfu (Corfu) in Greece Page taken from the travel book “” Peregrinatio in terram sanctam”” after the pilgrimage in the Holy Land of Bernard of Breydenbach (Breidenbach) (1454-1497) illustrated with engravings by Erhard Reuwich, 1486 Venice, Biblioteca Marciana
Description of Albanian costumes: a priest and a laic Page taken from the travel book “” peregrinatio in terram sanctam””” after the pilgrimage in the Holy Land of Bernard of Breydenbach (Breidenbach) (1454-1497) illustrated by prints by Erhard Reuwich, 1486 (Mainz) Paris, Musee Carnavalet
Panoramic view of Rhodes, 1486 (hand-coloured woodcut)
A panoramic view of Candia (Heraklion), Crete, 1486 (woodcut print)

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