Grayson, Matthew (b.1965)

Creator details

Grayson, Matthew (b.1965)
Matthew Grayson, Bristol born in 1965, is an established West Country artist. Matthew from an early age, enjoyed drawing and painting, with a keen eye for detail and accuracy and first began drawing recognisable likenesses at the tender age of eight, painting Fine Art Watercolours at the age of eighteen, and progressing to Technical Lithographs in 1984. Since leaving Bath Technical College in 1985 where he studied technical illustration and fine art, his reputation as a very talented artist has soared. His first publication of Castle Combe Village sold all 250 limited edition signed prints in 4 months. His recognised masterpiece titled "Magnum Opus" which depicts the west front of Wells Cathedral in full medieval colour as it might have looked circa 1435, currently hangs in Wells Guildhall. Private and Commercial Commissions are always considered and Matthew still resides and paints in the West of England.

Assets (14 in total)

Wells Cathedral, main panel from 'Magnum Opus', 2003 (w/c, acrylic, Indian ink & graphite on paper)
Study of S.S. Great Britian, 2008 (acrylic, gouache & graphite on board)
Pulteney Bridge, 2013 (graphite on board)
Castle Combe Village, 2001 (w/c & graphite on board)
Piazza San Marco in c.1480, 2018 to present (body colour & graphite on board)
Piazza San Marco in c.1480, 2018 to present (body colour & graphite on board)
Piazza San Marco in c.1480, 2018 to present (body colour & graphite on board)
Lower panel from 'Magnum Opus', 2005 (w/c, acrylic, Indian ink & graphite on board)
The Bishop's Palace, Wells, 2010 (w/c, acrylic, indian ink & graphite on board)
Stourhead House, 2011 (w/c on board)
Bath Abbey, 2003 (w/c, acrylic & graphite on board)
Piazza San Marco in c.1480, 2018 to present (body colour & graphite on board)

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