Burghers, Michael (1647-1727)

Creator details

Burghers, Michael (1647-1727)

Assets (57 in total)

Theseus, mythical Greek hero and founder-king of Athens (engraving)
Alexander the Great, Macedonian Greek king and general (engraving)
Quintus Sertorius, Roman statesman and general (engraving)
Lycurgus, legendary Spartan lawgiver (engraving)
Chartley Manor House: engraving, nd [1653-1686] (print)
Titus Quinctius Flaminimus, Roman general (engraving)
Pyrrhus, Greek general and statesman (engraving)
Tixall Hall and Gatehouse: copper-plate engraving, nd [1686] (print)
Trentham Hall: engraving, nd [1686] (print)
Trentham Hall: engraving, nd [1686] (print)
Forton - Aqualate Hall: engraving, nd [1653-1686] (print)
Dudley Castle: copper-plate engraving, nd [1653-1686] (print)

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