Blandy, Kitty

Creator details

Blandy, Kitty
Kitty Blandy is a London-born, Vancouver-based artist who regularly exhibits in both locations. She is noted for possessing the skill of using minimal line to create full forms. As a drawing-based figurative artist, Blandy works predominantly with drawing, print and sculpture, on explorations of extreme physiognomic form and states-of-being. Her recent work, explores anthropomorphism and the human/animal hybrid. Blandy's work is included in many private and public collections, notably the National Portrait Gallery, London.

Assets (108 in total)

Self II, 2004 (linocut)
Crouched Figure (Top Red), 2006 (monotype)
Hot Flash, 2001 (woodcut)
Crouched Figure Top Blue, 2007 (acrylic on paper)
Mind II, 2007 (monotype)
Crouched Figure (Blue Right), 2006 (monotype)
Fire Man, 1990 (etching)
Contact, 1993 (linocut)
Three Female Figures, 1995 (linocut)
Evaluation, 1997 (linocut)
Tattoo, 1992 (linocut)
Untitled (Water I), 2001 (fibreboard cut)

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