Orozco, Gabriel (b.1962)

Creator details

Orozco, Gabriel (b.1962)
Mexican artist, New York City.

Assets (14 in total)

Black Kites, 1997 (graphite on skull)
Samurai Tree (Invariant 27 N), 2005 (acrylic on canvas)
Atomists: Making Strides, 1996 (computer generated print on paper mounted on aluminium) (see also 362397)
Horses Running Endlessly, 1995 (wood chess broad and pieces)
Chain with Cane, 1990 (cibachrome)
Horse, 1992 (type C-print)
Atomists: Making Strides, 1996 (computer generated print on paper mounted on aluminium) (see also 362396)
Under the Table, 1993 (cibachrome)
Horse; Caballo, 1992 (chromogenic colour print)
Pinched Ball, 1993 (cibachrome)
Pinched Ball; Pelota Ponchada, 1993 (silver dye bleach print)
Horses Running Endlessly, 1995 (wood)

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