Provoost, Jan (c.1465-1529)

Creator details

Provoost, Jan (c.1465-1529)

Assets (19 in total)

Death and the Miser, c.1515-21 (oil on panel)
The Virgin and Child in a Landscape (oil on oak)
The Last Judgement, 1525 (oil on panel)
Detail of the Last Judgement, 1525 (oil on panel)
Detail of Death and the Miser, c.1515-21 (oil on panel)
Exterior of the Diptych of a Franciscan Friar (oil on canvas)
Detail of Death and the Miser, c.1515-21 (oil on panel)
Detail of the Last Judgement, 1525 (oil on panel)
Right panel of the Diptych of a Franciscan Friar (oil on panel)
Donor with Saint Nicholas and donor's wife with Saint Godeliva, c.1515-21 (oil on panel)
Detail of Donor with Saint Nicholas and Donor's Wife with Saint Godeliva, c.1515-21 (oil on panel)
Detail of Donor with Saint Nicholas and Donor's Wife with Saint Godeliva, c.1515-21 (oil on panel)

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