Brintle, Patricia (Bridgeman Studio)

Creator details

Brintle, Patricia
Born and raised in Haiti, Brintle’s colorful style reflects her native land and her rich culture guides her creative muse. Her paintings are infused with complex symbolism. She favors bright and vivid colors as she explores the universality of human emotions in every one of her artworks.  Some of Brintle’s artistic showings, include the Basilica di San Lorenzo in Florence, Italy and the Salon des Artistes Independents at the Grand Palais in Paris, France. The Queens Council on the Arts granted her to create life-size paintings of heroic women of the Haitian revolution and her commission “The Inclusive Icons of the Church of St. Francis Xavier” won the Faith and Form 2022 International award for Religious Arts. Many of Brintle’s works address strong issues such as nuclear disarmament, the Holocaust and the Haitian earthquake. Several of her artworks on the devastation, resistance and rescue efforts of the Holocaust belong to the permanent collection of the Holocaust Museum of Temple Judea in Manhasset and A Delicate Balance won the “Images of Peace” national competition to commemorate the 50th anniversary of Albert Schweitzer’s call for nuclear disarmament and belongs to the collection of the Albert Schweitzer Museum’s in Hamden, Connecticut. She is an inductee in the Haitian Rountable 1804 list of Haitian-American changemakers, her works are featured in movies, books and publications, and she exhibits internationally. Brintle is also the president of From Here to Haiti, a non-profit charity doing repairs of Catholic churches in Haiti since 2010.

Assets (125 in total)

Madonna and child - Hope for the world, 2008 (acrylic on wood)
Madonna and child - Beloved Son, 2008 (acrylic on wood)
Annunciation, 2011 (acrylic on canvas)
Madonna and child - Lullaby, 2008 (acrylic on wood)
Madonna and child - First steps, 2008 (acrylic on wood)
Season Avocado, 2011 (acrylic on canvas)
Camelia, 2008 (acrylic on masonite)
The First Mother, 2006 (acrylic on masonite)
Voiliers au port a bainet, 2009 (acrylic on wood)
I hear music in the air, 2010 (acrylic on wood)
Season Coconut, 2011 (acrylic on canvas)
Carnavalesque, 2010 (acrylic on canvas)

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