Giffey, Rene (1884-1965)

Creator details

Giffey, Rene (1884-1965)

Assets (16 in total)

Page illustrated by “” Mon premier livre d'histoire de France”” (L. Brossolette and M. Ozouf, Librairie Delagrave 1937, images by Rene Giffey (1884-1965) (school book): On 7 October 1870, Leon Gambetta (1838-1882) left Paris besieged by German troops, aboard a balloon for Tours to meet the government delegation and organize one armed to fight the Prussian assailant.
The Battle of Poitiers, 25th October 732, won by Charles Martel (688-741)
My first book of history of France by L. Brossolette and M. Ozouf, edition Delagrave 1937. Illustration by Rene Giffey. Schoolgirl wearing the medal of good pupil.
Hut of a Gallic village: Excerpt from “My first book of history of France” by L. Brossolette and M. Ozouf, elementary course first year 1937 (litho)
Page illustrated by “” Mon premier livre d'histoire de France”” (L. Brossolette and M. Ozouf, Librairie Delagrave 1937, images by Rene Giffey (1884-1965) (school book). Evocation of prehistory, and cave men, both hunters (bears) and farmers.
Page of “” Mon premier livre d'Histoire de France”” (L. Brossolette and M. Ozouf, illustrations by Rene Giffey (1884-1965), Librairie Delagrave 1937) (school book). King Henry 4 (1553-1610), a good father of a family, plays on all fours with his two children in front of the Spanish ambassador.
Beauty with Golden Hair, Tales of Perrault, circa 1935 (illustration)
Double page illustrated by “” Mon premier livre d'histoire de France”” (L. Brossolette and M. Ozouf, Librairie Delagrave 1937, images by Rene Giffey (1884-1965). (school book) Evocation of prehistory and cave men both hunters (bears) and farmers (left) and itinerant merchants (call here “Romanichels or Gypsies”” coming to sell small bronze tools) (right).
Page illustrated by “” Mon premier livre d'histoire de France”” (L. Brossolette and M. Ozouf, Librairie Delagrave 1937, images by Rene Giffey (1884-1965) (school book). Evocation of prehistory and cave men: “” little brown men”” (called “Romanichels or Gypsies”) with small cars pulled by small horses come from small bronze tools.
Page of “” Mon premier livre d'Histoire de France”” (L. Brossolette and M. Ozouf, illustrations by Rene Giffey (1884-1865), Librairie Delagrave 1937) (school book). The good King Saint Louis (Louis 9, 1214-1270) rendering justice under an oak in Vincennes.
Cover of a catalogue of the Manufacture d'armes et cycles de Saint-Etienne (Saint-Etienne), part devoted to leisure (1935-1936). Beach and swimming. Rene Giffey's illustration shows a sea bath scene: a “” bather” gives a swimming lesson to a young swimmer, while a couple takes photographs.

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