Nicholls, Julie

Creator details

Nicholls, Julie
<p> Julie studied illustration at The North East Wales Institute, graduating in 1992. Whilst still stuying she started receiving comissions from publications such as 19 magazine. She has since had work published globally in hundreds of publications including: BBC Good Food, The Sunday Telegraph, Homes and Gardens, The Hollywood Reporter, The Financial Times, Le Monde, and The Wall Street Journal.</p> <p> The freedom and joy Julie finds in &lsquo;naive&rsquo; or outsider art translates through all her work, but she sees a clear divide between her work as an illustrator and her own personal practice which focusses on the highly personal and domestic.</p> <p> She immerses herself in her life as a daughter, wife and mother of three children and creates artworks that explore and capture the beauty of both the mundane and the special. This focus has led to her receiving commissions and sales of pieces that are in a variety of private collections worldwide.</p> <p> Since 1992 she has lectured in art an illustration and ran workshops at a variety of institutions across England and Wales.</p>

Assets (61 in total)

Love Maze, 2004 (acrylic on acrylic paper)
Jungle Scene, 2002 (acrylic on acrylic paper)
Tropical Fish, 2006 (acrylic on acrylic paper)
Apples, Pears and Limes, 2004 (acrylic on acrylic paper)
Going to School, 2004 (acrylic on acrylic paper)
Fat Fish, 2006 (w/c & ink on paper)
Giraffe and Sun, 2002 (acrylic on acrylic paper)
Curved Cats, 2004 (acrylic on paper)
Early Plane Flight, 2004 (acrylic on acrylic paper)
Woman Thinking, 2003 (acrylic on card)
Late for Appointment, 2004 (acrylic on acrylic paper)
Pig and Apples, 2003 (w/c & ink on paper)

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