Podesti, Francesco (1800-95)

Creator details

Podesti, Francesco (1800-95)

Assets (16 in total)

Henry II King of France, Mortally Wounded in a Tournament, Blesses the Marriage of His Sister Margaret of Valois with Emmanuel Philibert of Savoy, 1844 (oil on canvas)
Francis I in the Studio of Benvenuto Cellini, 1837 (oil on canvas)
Torquato Tasso (Le Muche) reading his Jerusalem delivree (La gerusalemme liberata) at the court of Ferrara. Painting by Francesco Podesti (1800-1895), 1841/1842. Rome. Coll. Giuliano Briganti.
Francis I in the Studio of Benvenuto Cellini, 1837 (oil on canvas)
Portrait of Ottavio Gigli (oil on canvas)
Templar Knight Order of Malta (Templare o Cavaliere dell'ordine di Malta), by Francesco Podesti, 19th century (oil on canvas)
Proclamation of the dogma, 1859-61 (fresco)
The Triumph of Venus
Discussion about the Immaculate conception (fresco)
Papal Cortege (Corteggio papale), by Francesco Podesti, 19th century (drawing on paper)
Francis I in the Atelier of Benvenuto Cellini (Francesco I nello studio di Benvenuto Cellini), by Francesco Podesti, 1839, 19th century (oil on canvas) 98 x 136 cm
Two nymphs joking with a dog, by Francis Podesti, 19th century, oil on canvas.

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