Podesti, Francesco (1800-95)

Creator details

Podesti, Francesco (1800-95)

Assets (16 in total)

Francis I in the Studio of Benvenuto Cellini, 1837 (oil on canvas)
Henry II King of France, Mortally Wounded in a Tournament, Blesses the Marriage of His Sister Margaret of Valois with Emmanuel Philibert of Savoy, 1844 (oil on canvas)
Torquato Tasso (Le Muche) reading his Jerusalem delivree (La gerusalemme liberata) at the court of Ferrara. Painting by Francesco Podesti (1800-1895), 1841/1842. Rome. Coll. Giuliano Briganti.
Francis I in the Studio of Benvenuto Cellini, 1837 (oil on canvas)
Portrait of Ottavio Gigli (oil on canvas)
Proclamation of the dogma, 1859-61 (fresco)
The Triumph of Venus
Templar Knight Order of Malta (Templare o Cavaliere dell'ordine di Malta), by Francesco Podesti, 19th century (oil on canvas)
Discussion about the Immaculate conception (fresco)
Papal Cortege (Corteggio papale), by Francesco Podesti, 19th century (drawing on paper)
Francis I in the Atelier of Benvenuto Cellini (Francesco I nello studio di Benvenuto Cellini), by Francesco Podesti, 1839, 19th century (oil on canvas) 98 x 136 cm
Two nymphs joking with a dog, by Francis Podesti, 19th century, oil on canvas.

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