Schnorr von Carolsfeld, Julius (1794-1872)

Creator details

Schnorr von Carolsfeld, Julius (1794-1872)

Assets (441 in total)

The Marriage at Cana, 1819 (oil on canvas)
The Madonna and Child, 1855 (oil on canvas)
The Saracen Army outside Paris, 730-32 AD
Judas the Maccabee defeats his enemies, 1 Maccabees (engraving)
First day of creation, Genesis
Rahab rescues two Israelite men, Joshua
Founding of the new temple in Jerusalem, Ezra
Persecution of Israelites by Antiochus, 1 Maccabees
Balaam meets the angel of the Lord, Numbers
Jesus casts out the demons, Gospel of Matthew
Death of Judas Iscariot, Gospel of Matthew
Ham sees his father's nakedness, Genesis

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