Reeve, James

Creator details

Reeve, James
Originally from England and now living in Mexico, Reeve studied at the Real Academia de Bellas Artes de San Fernando in Madrid. After he abandoned the religious Order of the Jeronomites, James has travelled in remote places for the purpose of his art. Reeveā€™s paintings usually tell a story, at times theatrical and often moving or disturbing.

Assets (55 in total)

Political Protest, the Cloister of Sor Juana de la Cruz (1648-95) 2001 (oil on canvas)
Miraculous Vision of Christ in the Banana Grove, 1989 (oil on canvas)
Taxi Depot, San Lazaro, Mexico City, 2003 (oil on canvas)
Women Fighting outside the Church of Santa Catarina, 2001 (oil on canvas)
Ruined Temple, Tikal, Guatemala, 1984 (w/c on paper)
Fruit-stall, La Laguinilla, 1998 (oil on canvas) (detail of 240164)
The-dansant, Tea Evening, La Ciudadela, 2003 (oil on canvas)
Portrait of Don Alfonso and wife, 1992 (oil on canvas)
Portrait of Lord John Cholmondeley, 1968 (oil on canvas)
Kitchen Garden, Sana'a, North Yemen, 1975 (w/c on paper)
Veneration of the Virgen del Rosario, the Convent of San Domingo, 2001 (oil on canvas)
Water Snake and Dragon-fly, 1971 (oil on canvas) (detail of 240814)

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