Wolgemut or Wolgemuth, Michael (1434-1519)

Creator details

Wolgemut or Wolgemuth, Michael (1434-1519)

Assets (11 in total)

The Three Marys on gold ground panels
Portrait of Ursula Tucher, 1478 (oil on limewood)
Death of the Virgin, 1480-1520 circa, (oil on wood)
St. Joseph and Nicodemus on gold ground panels
The battle of Gibeon and the sun and moon standing still at the request of Joshua, from 'Le tresor, ou recipient de la vraie richesse du salut de la beatitude eternelle' by Koberger, published in Nuernberg, 1491 (colour woodcut)
Christ in Limbo, 1491 (colour woodcut)
The Carrying of the Cross (oil on panel)
Germany: The Nuremberg Chronicle, Crucifixion of the Young William.
The Infant Richard crucified by the Jews, at Pontoise (engraving)
Christ on the cross
Christ surrounded by kings, 1493 (engraving)

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