Lanfranco, Giovanni (1582-1647)

Creator details

Lanfranco, Giovanni (1582-1647)

Assets (34 in total)

The Multiplication of the Loaves and Fishes, 1620-5 (oil on canvas)
Young Man Lying on a Bed with a Cat, 1620 (oil on canvas)
The Vision of Paradise, frescoes on the ceiling and cupola of Sant'Andrea della Valle, Rome, Italy
David Dragging Goliath's Head (oil on canvas)
Glory of Paradise
Glory of Paradise, detail, 1625-28 (fresco)
The Ecstasy of St. Margaret of Cortona
Moses and the Messengers from Canaan, 1621-24 (oil on canvas)
Glory of Paradise, 1627 (fresco)
St. Ursula and the virgins (oil on canvas)
Glory of Paradise, 1627 (fresco)
Jesus shows the cross to the Theatines as a standard for their live (Gesù mostra ai Teatini la croce come norma per la loro vita), by Giovanni Lanfranco, 1638-1646, 17th Century, oil on canvas

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