Francken, Frans II the Younger (1581-1642)

Creator details

Francken, Frans II the Younger (1581-1642)

Assets (75 in total)

The Dance of Death (oil on copper)
Solomon and the Queen of Sheba (oil on canvas)
The Parable of the Rich Man and Lazarus (oil on canvas)
The Israelites on the Bank of the Red Sea, 1621 (oil on canvas)
The Witches' Sabbath, 1606 (oil on canvas)
Cabinet of a collector, 1617 (oil on panel)
Witches' Sabbath, 1606 (oil on panel)
The Virgin and Child with musicmaking angels
Two Lovers in a Garden (oil on panel)
A collector's cabient with Abraham Ortelius and Justus Lipsius, 1618 (oil on canvas)
Solomon and his Women (oil on canvas)
Solomon and the Queen of Sheba (oil on board)

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