Pratt, Lucy (Bridgeman Studio)

Creator details

Pratt, Lucy
Lucy Pratt is a Contemporary British Artist whose paintings convey the vitality and spirit of a joyous moment in space and time. Gathering inspiration from all corners of the world, she spent the majority of her time during her twenties in India, Nepal, Thailand and Sumatra. She returned to live in London where her figures and cityscapes joined her love of sea and landscapes. Now based in the Cotswolds she is constantly experimenting with new subject matter, whilst continuing her passion for Cornwall and Devon coastlines.

Assets (15 in total)

Magic underground (oil on canvas)
Morning plans (2) (oil on canvas)
Audacious Dive (oil on canvas)
Somerset House Skaters (oil on canvas)
Ice skating at Natural History Museum (oil on canvas)
The usual suspects (oil on canvas)
Donkeys and Green Sari Pushkar India (oil on canvas)
In Tresco Garden (oil on board)
In the cove amongst the boats (oil on canvas)
Swirling Seas, Slapton (oil on canvas)
Spitting with rain, Brighton (oil on canvas)
On the way home (oil on canvas)

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