Gibbs, Lou (Bridgeman Studio)

Creator details

Gibbs, Lou
Lou Gibbs completed a degree in Fine Art Painting at Wimbledon School of Art in 1989. Here, she studied under Bernard Cohen, Michael Porter and Prunella Clough. Since then, she has continued to paint full time and is currently listed with East West Gallery ( Over the last fifteen years she has developed a technique of applying shellac and oil onto gesso that realises seldom achieved potential in the pigment. Working with this newly developed medium, she plays a scale with our perceptions evoking a real sense of a landscape that is, in fact, only dreamed.

Assets (42 in total)

Anticipation, 2001 (oil and shellac on gesso on panel)
Trout chasing a fisherman's fly, 1991 (watercolour on handmade paper)
Abstract Composition (oil and shellac on gesso on panel)
Evening seascape (mixed media)
Zanja, 2000 (oil and shellac on gesso on wood panel)
Just Above Sea Level, 2004 (oil and shellac on gesso on panel)
Abstract composition (oil and shellac on gesso on panel)
Seascape (oil and shellac on gesso on wood)
Everybody I Never Slept With, 2002 (oil and shellac on gesso on panel)
Skyscape (mixed media)
Phoenix Rising, 2014 (oil and shellac on gesso panel)
Landscape (mixed media)

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