Manet, Edouard (1832-83)

Creator details

Manet, Edouard (1832-83)
Generally considered an important artist of the Realist tradition who influenced and was influenced by the Impressionist painters of the 1870s. He never exhibited with the Impressionists or adopted fully their ideas and procedures. His painting is famous for its painterly technique and his paintings and prints are known for new urban subject-matter. He had a short career, but his style evolved from early works characterized by dramatic light-dark contrasts and based on Spanish 17th-century painting to high-keyed, freely brushed compositions where the content was related to Symbolism.

Assets (463 in total)

The luncheon on the grass, 1863 (oil on canvas)
Olympia, 1863 (oil on canvas)
A Bar at the Folies-Bergere, 1881-82 (oil on canvas)
Monet in his Floating Studio, 1874 (oil on canvas)
Berthe Morisot with a Bouquet of Violets, 1872 (oil on canvas)
The Fifer, 1866 (oil on canvas)
Pinks and Clematis in a Crystal Vase, c.1882 (oil on canvas)
Nana, 1877 (oil on canvas)
Berthe Morisot reclining, 1873 (oil on canvas)
The Garden of Pere Lathuille, 1879 (oil on canvas)
The Railway, 1873 (oil on canvas)
Emile Zola, 1868 (oil on canvas)

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