Borofsky, Jonathan (b.1942)

Creator details

Borofsky, Jonathan (b.1942)
American painter, sculptor and conceptual artist whose work deals with diminishing the boundaries between life and art. One of his earliest works dealt with stacks of paper numbered from 1- ca. 1,800,000, and numbers appear on many of his other works as well. In the 1980s, his work dealt with images of corporate greed and the lack of identity in the workplace, such as the anonymous figures featured in the Man with a Briefcase" series. Borofsky's images often appear in a variety of media. One of his best-known images is the "Hammering Man

Assets (20 in total)

Molecule Man by Jonathan Borofsky (b.1942), Berlin (photo)
Panoramic view of Berlin skyline with famous Molecule Man sculpture and Spree river in beautiful post Berlin, Germany (photo)
Molecule Man, Berlin (photo)
Panoramic view of Berlin skyline with famous Molecule Man sculpture and Spree river in beautiful post Berlin, Germany (photo)
Molecule man sculpture, 2014 (photo)
View of 'Molecule Man' by Jonathan Borofsky, Berlin, 2009 (photo)
Panoramic view of Berlin skyline with famous Molecule Man sculpture and Spree river in beautiful post Berlin, Germany (photo)
Pencil Head, 1980 (acrylic and sixteen pencils on canvas)
Molecule Man by Jonathan Borofsky, (b.1942), Berlin (photo)
Frankfurt, Germany Hammering Man is a monumental kinetic sculpture (photo)
Panoramic view of Berlin skyline with famous Molecule Man sculpture and Spree river in beautiful post Berlin, Germany (photo)
View of 'Walking Man' by Jonathan Borofsky, Schwabing, Munich, Germany, 1999-2000 (photo)

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