Rooke, Thomas Matthews (1842-1942)

Creator details

Rooke, Thomas Matthews (1842-1942)

Assets (30 in total)

Elijah Prophesises to Ahab and Jezebel Their End, 1879 (oil on canvas)
Christ and four saints, altar panel designed by Burne-Jones
Hermes (oil on canvas)
Ahab Covets Naboth's Vineyards, 1879 (oil on canvas)
Ahab's Body Brought in from the Battlefield, 1879 (oil on canvas)
Jezebel Promises Ahab to Obtain it by False Witness, 1879 (oil on canvas)
Group portrait of Alfred Rooke and his family in their home in Mount Park, Ealing, 1891-92 (w/c on paper)
Family Conversation piece (w/c on paper)
The Dining Room at The Grange, 1904 (w/c on paper)
Naboth Refuses Ahab His Vineyard, 1879 (oil on canvas)
The Studio, Little Holland House, 1904 (watercolour)
King Ahab's Coveting: Jezebel thrown to her death by two eunuchs, on the order of Jehu, 1879

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