Eyre, Patricia (1916-2006)

Creator details

Eyre, Patricia (1916-2006)

Assets (17 in total)

Harvest, St. Germain, Quebec (oil on canvas)
Pretty Polly (oil on canvas)
Sunrise, Les Eboulements, Quebec (oil on linen)
Spring Rain, Bywood Market (oil on linen)
Evening, North Myrtle Beach (oil on linen)
Good Gossip (oil on canvas)
Hibiscus with Vase (oil on linen)
After the Rain, Badeck (oil on linen)
Frustrated Love (oil on linen)
Wheat Harvest, Kamouraska, Quebec (oil on canvas)
St. Germain, Quebec (oil on linen)
Farm with Sheep, Les Eboullement (oil on Belgium linen)

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