Bock, Johann Carl (1757-1843)

Creator details

Bock, Johann Carl (1757-1843)

Assets (108 in total)

The Holly Alliance, 1815 (engraving) (b/w photo)
Wood tiger moth, Parasemia plantaginis.
Ground lackey moth, Malacosoma castrense.
Hebe tiger moth, Arctia festiva.
Feathered gothic and Rannoch sprawler moths.
Sprawler moth, Asteroscopus sphinx.
Nut-tree tussock and plumed prominent.
Clostera anastomosis and Nudaria mundana.
Dark tussock, Dicallomera fascelina.
Speckled footman, Staurophora celsia and herald moth.
Conformist, Lithophane furcifera 1, double dart, Graphiphora augur 2,  scarce brindle, Apamea lateritia 3,4, and silver arches, Polia hepatica 5.
Ghost moth, Hepialus humuli 1-4, and gold swift, Phymatopus hecta 5-7. Handcoloured copperplate engraving by Johann Carl Bock after Eugenius Johann Christoph Esper’s Die Schmetterlinge in Abbildungen nach der Natur, Erlangen, 1786.

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