Brailes, William de (fl.c.1230)

Creator details

Brailes, William de (fl.c.1230)

Assets (33 in total)

Ms 322 f.67r, Psalm 68, initial S, Jonah praying to Christ on his exit from the whale & Jonah thrown to the whale, illustration from the 'De Braile Psalter', c.1250 (vellum)
Lot offering his daughters to the inhabitants of Sodom, from a book of Bible Pictures, c.1250 (vellum)
The Creation of Adam and Eve from a book of Bible Pictures, c.1250 (vellum)
Ms 322 f.7r, Psalm 1, initial B, Tree of Jesse, illustration from the 'De Braile Psalter', c.1250 (vellum)
God Clothing Adam and Eve, from a book of Bible Pictures, c.1250 (vellum)
Ms.330 f4 The Wheel of Fortune and the Story of Theophilus, illustrated by William de Brailes, c.1240, leaf from an English Psalter
Ms 322 f.28r, Psalm 26, initial D, David harping before Saul, illustration from the 'De Brailes Psalter', c.1250 (vellum)
Ms 330.4 The Wheel of Fortune, c,1240 (vellum)
Ms 322 f.54r, Psalm 51, initial Q, David and Goliath, illustration from the 'De Brailes Psalter', c.1250 (vellum)
Ms 322 f.5v, October, a man sowing, illustration from the 'De Brailes Psalter', c.1250 (vellum)
Adam and Eve banished from Paradise, from a book of Bible Pictures, c.1250 (vellum)
Ms 322 f.97r, Psalm 97, initial C, Annunciation to the Shepherds, illustration from the 'De Brailes Psalter', c.1250 (vellum)

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