Mendini, Alessandro (b.1931)

Creator details

Mendini, Alessandro (b.1931)
Italian architect and designer active in Milan. He designed a variety of objects and architectural projects, and served as an influential editor of magazines including Casabella and Domus, from 1970.

Assets (8 in total)

Proust Armchair, 1978 (painted carved wood, painted upholstery)
Poltrona di Proust, 1981 (hand painted wood & upholstery)
Poltrona di Proust, 1981 (hand painted wood & upholstery)
Poltrona di Proust, 1981 (hand painted wood & upholstery)
Poltrona di Proust, 1981 (hand painted wood & upholstery)
View of the Museumsinsel Groningen, built 1989
Alchemilla Vase From The Museum Series (glazed porcelain)
Alchemilla Vase From The Museum Series (glazed porcelain and gilding)

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