Rivera, Diego (1886-1957)

Creator details

Rivera, Diego (1886-1957)
Mexican artist.

Assets (292 in total)

Detroit Industry, North Wall, 1932-33 (fresco)
North wall of a mural depicting Detroit Industry, 1932-33 (fresco)
South Wall of a Mural depicting Detroit Industry, 1932-33 (fresco)
Detroit Industry, North Wall, 1932-33 (fresco)
Dream of a Sunday Afternoon on the Alameda Central, 1947 (oil on board)
The Market of Tlatelolco, detail from The Great City of Tenochtitlan, from the cycle 'Pre-Hispanic and Colonial Mexico', 1945 (mural) (see also 97395)
South Wall of a Mural depicting Detroit Industry, 1932-33 (fresco) (detail of 139315)
Detroit Industry, north wall, 1933 (fresco) (detail)
The Great City of Tenochtitlan, detail of women selling maize, 1945 (fresco)
Zapatista Landscape - The Guerilla, 1915 (oil on canvas)
The Flower-Seller, 1942 (oil on masonite)
South Wall of a Mural depicting Detroit Industry, 1932-33 (fresco)

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