Weenix, Jan (1642-1719)

Creator details

Weenix, Jan (1642-1719)

Assets (27 in total)

Still Life with Dead Game and Hares
Italian Peasants among Ruins, c.1649/50 (oil on canvas)
Still life, game (oil on canvas)
Still life of game (oil on canvas)
Still Life with a Dead Hare, Partridges and Other Birds in a Niche, c.1675 (oil on canvas)
Still Life (oil on canvas)
Dead Game, 1691/96 (oil on canvas)
Hunting scene (oil on canvas)
Landscape with Shepherd Boy, 1664 (oil on canvas)
The Departure of the Prodigal Son
Still Life of Birds and Flowers in a Park
The Spoils of a Hunt with a Hunt Servant and a Black Page holding a Bay, 1700 (oil on canvas)

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