Falguiere, Jean Alexandre Joseph (1831-1900)

Creator details

Falguiere, Jean Alexandre Joseph (1831-1900)

Assets (13 in total)

The Last Supper (oil on canvas)
Tarcisius, Christian Martyr, 1868 (marble)
Wrestlers, 1875 (oil on canvas)
Statue of Honore of Balzac (1799-1850), French writer. Stone sculpture by Alexandre Falguiere (1831-1900). Photography, KIM Youngtae, Paris.
Victor Hugo, c. 1885 (bronze)
Monument to Louis Pasteur (1822-1895), French scientist, pioneer of microbiology, Sculpture by Alexandre Falguiere (1831-1900). Photography, KIM Youngtae/Leemage
Diana, 1882 (bronze and red marble)
The Servant, c.1875-90 (oil on canvas)
Man Smoking a Pipe, c.1875 (oil on canvas)
Study for the Monument to Balzac, 1898 (unfired clay on a shaped wood modelling board)
Bust of Diana, after 1882 (marble)
Les wrestlers, 1875 (oil on canvas)

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