Kukryniksy (Kuprijanov, M. (1903-1991), Krylov, P. (1902-1990) & Sokolov, N. (1903-2000)

Creator details

Kukryniksy (Kuprijanov, M. (1903-1991), Krylov, P. (1902-1990) & Sokolov, N. (1903-2000)

Assets (21 in total)

Soviet poster depicting 'Western powers giving Hitler Czechoslovakia on a dish'
We will cut off all roads to the evil enemy, he will not escape from this noose!, 1942 (poster)
Mussolini, 1965 (oil on canvas)
Devil is not so bad as depicted, by Kukriniksi in the Tretyakovskaya Galereya of Moscow
Metamorphosis of the Fritz, manifesto by Kukriniksi exhibited at the Tretyakovskaya Galereya, Moscow
The second international (Political Caricature), 1925 (watercolour and ink on paper)
The last scrap, by Kukriniksi, at the Tretyakovskaya Galereya of Moscow
At the all blue seaside/ Greetings from Tunisia/ As blind as chiken, three paintings by Kukriniksi in the Tretyakovskaya Galereya of Moscow)
German troops fire on the Russian city of Novgorod in 1943, 1946 (oil on canvas)
Second World War: We descendants of Souporov and Chapayev (Chapaev), 1941 (poster)
'We will fight strongly, strike desperately grandsons of Suvorov, children of Chapaev', 1941 (poster)
Portrait of Hitler, by Kukriniksi, at the Tretyakovskaya Galereya, Moscow

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