Ribera, Jusepe de (c.1590-1652)

Creator details

Ribera, Jusepe de (c.1590-1652)

Assets (68 in total)

St. Francis of Assisi (oil on canvas, 1643)
Le pied bot Peinture de Jose de Ribera dit il Spagnoletto 'l'Espagnolet' 1642 (oil on canvas)
Saint Matthew, 1632 (oil on canvas)
Saint Bartholomew, 1634 (oil on canvas)
Aristotle (oil on canvas)
The stigmatization of Saint Fancois of Assisi. Painting of the workshop of Jose de Ribera dit il Spagnoletto “” the Spanish”” (1591-1652), oil on canvas, 17th century. Spanish art. Museum of Fine Arts Budapest (Hungary).
The Old Usurer, 1638 (oil on canvas)
Moise The prophete is a representative holding the Tables of the Law. Painting by Jusepe de Ribera detto lo Spagnoletto (1591-1652) 1638 Dim. 168x97 cm Naples, Museo di San Martino
Teresa of Avila, 16th century (oil on canvas)
Saint Jerome, 1614-15 (oil on canvas)
Elijah Fed By The Ravens (oil on canvas)
Portrait of Saint Mary the Egyptian, Penitente in the Desert, 1641 (oil on canvas)

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