Highmore, Joseph (1692-1780)

Creator details

Highmore, Joseph (1692-1780)

Assets (50 in total)

Mr. B. finds Pamela writing, illustration from Richardson's  'Pamela; or, Virtue Rewarded', first pub. 1740
Pamela and Mr B. in the Summerhouse, from `Pamela: or Virtue Rewarded' by Samuel Richardson (1689-1761) published 1740, c.1744
Samuel Richardson, 1747
Conversation Piece, probably of the artist's family, c.1732-5
Samuel Richardson - scene
Pamela shows Mr Williams a hiding place for her letters, from `Pamela: or Virtue Rewarded' by Samuel Richardson (1689-1761) published 1740, c.1744
Pamela Greets her Father, 1743-44 (oil on canvas)
Pamela tells a nursery tale, from 'Pamela: or Virtue Rewarded' by Samuel Richardson (1689-1761) published 1740, c.1744 (oil on canvas)
Portrait of Samuel Richardson (1689-1761) 1750 (oil on canvas)
Hagar and Ishmael, 1746
The Family of Eldred Lancelot-Lee, 1736
Portrait Of Lady Mary Wortley Montagu, 18th century (oil on canvas)

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