Bradley, Basil (1842-1904)

Creator details

Bradley, Basil (1842-1904)

Assets (34 in total)

Hard Times, 1898 (oil on canvas)
Live and Let Live
The Prince of Wales in the Hunting Field (engraving)
Westmoreland Sports (coloured engraving)
Waiting for the Guns
Rome, the Carnival Races, the Barberi going up to the Start (engraving)
Catching a Poacher (engraving)
Buying Horses in Brittany for the French Army (engraving)
Milkmaids (oil on canvas)
Scotch Rebels, 1887 (oil on panel)
The Glorious 12th August, Loch Em
Otter hunting in the North, the Last Struggle (engraving)

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