Pont (Graham Laidler) (1908-40)

Creator details

Pont (Graham Laidler) (1908-40)

Assets (155 in total)

The British Character, A Weakness for Oak Beams (litho)
Love of keeping calm, illustration from 'Pont: An Account of the Life and Work of the great Punch artist' (litho)
The British Character, Importance of not being Intellectual (litho)
Fondness for laughing at our own anecdotes, published in Punch, 10th February 1937 (pen & ink on paper)
The British Character, Love of Detective Fiction (litho)
The British Character, Strong tendency to become Doggy (litho)
Adaptability to foreign conditions, illustration from 'Pont: An Account of the Life and Work of the great Punch artist' (litho)
Ability to be ruthless, illustration from 'Pont: An Account of the Life and Work of the great Punch artist' (litho)
'Of course, we go flat out for the ego here', Punch, 27th November 1935 (pen & ink on paper)
The British Character, A tendency to leave the washing up till later (litho)
. . . then pour the boiling water out of the kettle into the teapot (litho)

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