Codde, Pieter (1599-1678)

Creator details

Codde, Pieter (1599-1678)

Assets (25 in total)

A Young Student in his Study or, The Smoker, c.1630-33 (oil on panel)
Lady seated by a Virginal (oil on panel)
Dancing Party, 17th century
An Elegant Company in an Interior
Elegant Figures Music Making in an Interior
Portrait of a Family, 1661 (oil on oak panel)
A Conversation, 1628 (oil on oak)
Company Making Music (oil on oak)
An Elegant Company on a Terrace (oil on panel)
A seated Lady seen from Behind before a Virginal,  (oil on panel)
Merry Company with Masked Dancers, 1636 (oil on canvas)

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