Barbant, Charles (d.1922)

Creator details

Barbant, Charles (d.1922)

Assets (17 in total)

Oasis of Gafsa: Tunis (engraving)
Women living in placers, mineral deposits. Engraving by Barbant to illustrate the story “” chez nos indiens, quatre annees de voyage dans la Guiane francaise”, 1887-1891, by Henri Coudreau (1859-1899), in Le tour du Monde 1892, directed by Edouard Charton (1807-1891), Hachette, Paris.
The benedicite. Barbant engraving after a painting by Brion, to illustrate the story A Through Alsace and Lorraine, by Charles Grad, German deputer, in 1884, in the tour du monde 1886, directed by Edouard Charton (1807-1890), Hachette, Paris.
La Rotisserie des cuisines du Palais des Tuileries, in 1864. Engraving by F. Lix and Barbant from a drawing by Moullin.
The cold guard of the kitchens of the Palais des Tuileries in 1864 during a reception under the Second Empire. Burning engraving
French Residency at Hanoi, 1884 (engraving) (b/w photo)
The Glacier of the kitchens of the Palais des Tuileries, in 1864. Engraving by F. Lix and Barbant from a drawing by Moullin.
The Stones were running up, illustration for a Breton tale, from 'Legendes et Recits' by Henriette Guizot (Mme Conrad de Witt) published (Hachette) 1889 (engraving) (b/w photo)
Verney Lovett Cameron (engraving) (later colouration)
Henry Hudson (1565-1611) abandoned by his crew. Engraving. Colored.
Kurds of Petchara (Turkey). Engraving by Barbant to illustrate the story “A travers l'Armenie russe, Karabagh, vallee de l'Araxe, massif de l'Ararat”” by Madame B.Chantre, in Le tour du Monde 1892, directed by Edouard Charton (1807-1891), Hachette, Paris.
Laying the transcaspian rails. Engraving by Ch. Barbant to illustrate the story Voyage a Merv, by Edgar Boulanger, in le tour du monde 1887, directed by Edouard Charton (1807-1890), Hachette, Paris.

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