Brea, Ludovico (c.1450-1523)

Creator details

Brea, Ludovico (c.1450-1523)

Assets (22 in total)

Crucifixion (oil on panel)
Altarpiece of the Virgin of the Rosary, c.1500 (oil on panel)
Triptych depicting Pieta between St. Martin and St. Catherine, 1475 (oil on panel)
Coronation of the Virgin in Paradise (Painting, 1513)
Coronation of the Virgin, 1513 (oil on panel) (detail of 243150)
Coronation of the Virgin, 1513 (oil on panel)
Coronation of the Virgin, 1513 (oil on panel) (detail of 243150)
Pieta (Deposition) (Painting, 14th-15th century)
The Madonna of the Rosary altarpiece, (oil on panel)
Mysteries of the Rosary: the Annunciation (Wood Painting, 1512-1513)
Mysteries of the Rosary: The Appearance of the Resurrected Christ (wood painting, 1512-1513)
St. Catherine of Alexandria, 1475 (oil on panel) (detail of 197121)

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