Calbet, Antoine (1860-1944)

Creator details

Calbet, Antoine (1860-1944)

Assets (49 in total)

Odyssee d'Homere: Chant XII: the ship of Ulysses facing Charybde and Scylla (Odyssey by Homer: boat of Odysseus faced both Charybdis and Scylla) Illustration by Antoine Calbet (1860-1944) for “The odyssee” by the Greek poet Homere (Odyssey by Homer) 1897 Private collection
Portrait of Louise Catherine Eleonore Denuelle, 1897 (print)
Portrait of Pauline Foures dit la Bellilote (1778-1869), 1897 (print)
Werther dancing with Charlotte, 1935 (drawing)
ortrait of Mary Walewska (Waleska) (1786-1817) mistress of Napoleon I, 1897 (print)
Werther courtisant Mademoiselle de B to forget Charlotte , 1935 (drawing)
Odyssee d'Homere: Chant XVI: les reunion d'Ulysses et de Telemaque (Odyssey by Homer: meeting of Telemachus and Odysseus) Illustration by Antoine Calbet (1860-1944) for “The odyssee” by the Greek poet Homere (Odyssey by Homer) 1897 Private collection
Portrait of Josephine de Beauharnais (1763-1814) at the time of his encounter with Napoleon Bonaparte (1769-1821) circa 1795 (Portrait of Josephine de Beauharnais just before her marriage with Napoleon Bonaparte, 1795) Drawing by Antoine Calbet draws from “” Napoleon et les femmes” by Masson, 1897 Private collection
Odyssee d'Homere: Penelope and his followers (Odyssey by Homer: Penelope and her servants) Illustration by Antoine Calbet (1860-1944) for “The odyssee” by the Greek poet Homere (Odyssey by Homer) 1897 Private collection
Odyssee of Homere: “Nausicaa, daughter of King Alcinous, and her handmaidens washing their clothes in the river” Illustration by Antoine Calbet (1860-1944) for “The odyssee” by Greek poet Homere (Odyssey by Homer) 1897 Private collection
Le jeune Napoleon Bonaparte (1769-1821) et la fille du Palais royal, prostituee crossed in Paris in 1787 (Young Napoleon Bonaparte and the prostitute of the Palais-Royal, Paris 1787) Drawing by Antoine Calbet draws from Masson's “Napoleon et les femmes”, 1897 Private collection
Odyssee d'Homere: chant XIII: Athena deguisee as a young shepherd welcomes Ulysses a Ithaque (Odyssey by Homer: Odysseus returns to Ithaca and meets Athena disguised as a shepherd boy) Illustration by Antoine Calbet (1860-1944) for “The odyssee” by Greek poet Homere (Odyssey by Homer) 1897 Private collection

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