Dower, John (fl.c.1845-55)

Creator details

Dower, John (fl.c.1845-55)

Assets (56 in total)

Map of the Island of Jamaica (engraving)
Chart of the Arctic Regions showing the North West Passage connecting the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans (engraving)
Chart of the Sea of Azoff and the Straits of Kertch and Yenikale (engraving)
Telegraph Map of the Eastern World (engraving)
Plan of Puebla (engraving)
Plan of Constantinople and its Suburbs (engraving)
Map of North-East China, showing the Gulf of Pechili, the Tien-Tsin (Peiho) River, and the Approaches to Pekin (engraving)
Map of the Caucasus (engraving)
Plan of Naples (engraving)
Ground Plan of the International Exhibition Building (engraving)
Isle of Wight (engraving)
Map illustrating General Sherman's March through Georgia from Atlanta to Savannah, November and December 1864 (engraving)

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