Gijsbrechts, Cornelis Norbertus (1630-1683)

Creator details

Gijsbrechts, Cornelis Norbertus (1630-1683)
Gysbrechts worked for the Danish court. He is known for his trompe l'oeil paintings; he seems to have introduced the chantourné, a painted board cut to the edges of the objects represented (e.g. Easel").

Assets (20 in total)

Vanitas (Still Life - Trompe l'Oeil) 1664 (oil on canvas)
Trompe l'Oeil Still Life, 1665 (oil on canvas)
Still Life, 1675 (oil on canvas)
Trompe l'oeil with Studio Wall and Vanitas Still Life, 1668 (oil on canvas)
Trompe l'oeil with letters and notebooks, 1665 (oil on canvas)
Quodlibet, 1675, by Cornelis Norbertus Gijsbrechts (ca.1630-1675).
Vanitas still life seen through a trompe l'oeil window (oil on canvas)
A trompe l'oeil of an open glazed cupboard door, with numerous papers and objects, 1666 (oil on canvas)
Trompe l'oeil: Letter rack with an hourglass, a razor and scissors, 1664 (oil on canvas)
Trompe l'oeil. A Cabinet in the Artist's Studio, 1670-71 (oil on canvas)
Trompe l'oeil. Board Partition with Letter Rack and Music Book, 1668 (oil on canvas)

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