Mena, Pedro de (1628-88)

Creator details

Mena, Pedro de (1628-88)

Assets (16 in total)

The Penitent Magdalene, 1664 (polychrome wood)
St. Peter of Alcántara, c.1663-1670 (painted wood, with ivory and glass)
San Diego of Alcala, c.1665-70 (polychromed wood)
San Diego of Alcala, c.1665-70 (polychromed wood)
San Diego of Alcala, c.1665-70 (polychromed wood)
San Diego of Alcala, c.1665-70 (polychromed wood)
San Diego of Alcala, c.1665-70 (polychromed wood)
San Diego of Alcala, c.1665-70 (polychromed wood)
San Diego of Alcala, c.1665-70 (polychromed wood)
Virgin of Sorrows Mater Dolorosa (polychromed wood, glass & animal hair)
Virgin of Sorrows Mater Dolorosa (polychromed wood, glass & animal hair)
San Diego of Alcala, c.1665-70 (polychromed wood)

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