Dighton, Denis (1792-1827)

Creator details

Dighton, Denis (1792-1827)

Assets (28 in total)

The Battle of Waterloo, 18th June 1815 (oil on canvas)
The Battle of Waterloo on 18th June 1815, 1816 (oil on canvas)
Defence of the Chateau de Hougoumont by the flank Company, Coldstream Guards 1815, 1815 (w/c on paper)
Attack on the British Squares by French Cavalry at the Battle of Waterloo, 1815 (w/c on paper)
The Battle of Waterloo: The charge of the 2nd Brigade of cavalry, c.1812-17 (oil on canvas)
7th Queen's Own Hussars under Sir Edward Kerrison, charging the French at Quatre Bras, 1818 (w/c on paper)
Portrait of John Bellingham (1770-1812) 1812 (colored etching)
Russian cavalry attacking French infantry at Borodino, 1812 (w/c on paper)
15th The King's Hussars, 1825 (w/c on paper)
'No 1 Hougomont The House and farme du - Gourman from the Right', 1815 (w/c & pencil on paper)
French Imperial Guard and National Guard during the Hundred Days, 1816 (w/c on paper)
'No 6 La Belle Alliance', 1815 (w/c & pencil on paper)

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