Masolino da Panicale, Tommaso (1383-c.1447)

Creator details

Masolino da Panicale, Tommaso (1383-c.1447)

Assets (97 in total)

St. Peter healing a cripple, and the raising of Tabitha, c.1427 (fresco) (see 60508 for detail of the latter)
The Archangel Gabriel, c. 1430 (tempera on panel)
Pope Liberius (r.352-66) Founding the Basilica of Santa Maria della Neve (oil on panel)
St. Peter Preaching in Jerusalem, c.1427 (fresco)
St. Peter healing a cripple, c.1427 (fresco) (detail of 57195)
St. Peter Preaching in Jerusalem (detail of 63197) c.1427 (fresco)
The Prophet Isaiah, from the intrados of the apse (fresco)
Saint Peter warriors the estropy and resurrection of Tabitha Fresco by Tommaso di Cristoforo Fini dit Masolino da Panicale (1383-around 1440), 1425 approx. Sun. 255x598 cm Chiesa di Santa Maria del Carmine, Cappella Brancacci, Florence - St. Peter healing of the cripple and raising of Tabitha - Painting by Tommaso di Cristoforo Fini, called Masolino da Panicale (1383-ca. 1440), fresco, 1425 (255x598 cm) - Chiesa di Santa Maria del Carmine, Cappella Brancacci, Firenze (Italy)
The Temptation of Adam and Eve, c.1423-25 (fresco)
The Banquet of Herod, from the Cycle of the Life of St. John the Baptist (fresco)
The Temptation of Adam and Eve Fresco by Tommaso di Cristofano Fini dit Masolino da Panicale (1383-1440) 1424-1425 Sun. 208x88 cm Florence, Chiesa di Santa Maria del Carmine, Cappella Brancacci
The Temptation of Adam and Eve (Detail of Eve and the Serpent), c.1427 (fresco) (see also 60316) 62320e: Detail of The Temptation of Adam and Eve, c.1427 (fresco) (see also 60316 & 63319)

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