Guillaumin, Jean Baptiste Armand (1841-1927)

Creator details

Guillaumin, Jean Baptiste Armand (1841-1927)

Assets (140 in total)

At the Quay de Bercy in Paris, 1874 (oil on canvas)
Madame Guillaumin reading, c.1887
Setting Sun at Ivry, c.1872-73 (oil on canvas)
The Bridge at Boigneville, c.1894
The Valley of the Sedelle in Crozant, c.1898 (oil on canvas)
Mlle. Guillaumin reading, 1907
The Two Trains
Landscape in the Ile de France, c.1878
Lilac, the Artist's Garden (oil on canvas)
Storm at Agay, 1895 (oil on canvas)
The Seine at Paris, 1871 (oil on canvas)
Crozant, Brittany, 1912 (oil on canvas)

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